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And Now All These!!


After the day’s rush

to put pieces together

and reclaim sanity


Finds bliss and relief

in philosophy and books

until hunger gnaws


Averting eyes ‘til

possible from that visage

lest lost passion awakes


Why do we ignore

the present for the future,

search for death, not life?


Shubhodeep said…
Haikus again! Some more (brainless?) ruminations. So what say - "dil maange more?"
Rita said…
Good ones gain! I like the second one best :)
Jyotsna said…
few words and so well conveyed.Each one of them like true nuggets of wisdom
Nicole Braganza said…
I like the last one very much, Shubho. I just thought of this - Haiku would probably be most effective in conveying a truth, as you have in the last one. But perhaps you could do better on the title??
personally i like number four the best.
as for bossy boots braganza . . .the title is fine! (promise me you won't tell her i said that though as she is ferocious at times!)
Pincushion said…
I liked the last one best..but would like to add..

Why do we ignore the present for the past, hold on to whats lost, not life?

Btw, thank you for blogrolling me! Its an honour!

PS: CJ, do leave darlin' Nicole alone ;)
The last is the one I identify with most we all do it instead of savouring the moment the next will always be better
Casablanca said…
We likey!

And the last one is so true... we ignore the present, not just for the future, but also for the past. We really need to learn to live in 'today'!
Shubhodeep said…
rita, jyotsna >>thanks :)

nic >> any suggestions for a title?

cj >> as you say sir(promise me u wont tell her that I wont take her suggestion, if she makes one) ;)

casa >> precisely

sue >> don't we all?

pin >> i agree. (The honour is entirely mine)
. : A : . said…
Good ones. Like the style used here and the emphasis on the first lines.
Shuush (I love her really!)
Shubhodeep said…
.:a:. >> thank you :)

cj >> i like her too!!
Anonymous said…
Hmm- I like the last one the best but enjoyed them all!
Nicole Braganza said…
yeah, ok - i get the point. I have no business i hell telling you what you should do with the title. Just expressing personal opinion in an extremely democratic manner. And if I was as creative as you Shubho, I would have given you a suggestion for a title.
Nicole Braganza said…
ps. lets spread the love. i love you guys, really!
Shubhodeep said…
aristera says >> thanks :)

silvermoon >> the last one seems to be going places, doesn't it?

nic >> i'm really sorry if i hurt you. i was just trying to have some good clean fun with CJ.

nic >> encore!(whatever that means)
Anonymous Poet said…
Very zen. Or is it buddhist?
Roger Stevens said…
Nice Haikus. Interesting that the last one has a five syllable title.
Chimes nicely. And I like the way you've made the present equal life and the future death. Bit bleak though.

I like one and two best. Well, two best of all.
Shubhodeep said…
anon >> poetry, i hope

roger >> :)
J said…

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